Free Shipping Bar Extension for Magento 2

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- free-shipping-bar
Description / Free Shipping Bar Extension for Magento 2
Free Shipping Bar extension for Magento displays an attractive bar to remind customers that they can achieve free shipping by adding products of certain value to their cart. This module will show attractive bars with a message that can be easily customised in magento store configuration. It also shows the progress bar to the customers to highlight how far they are from achieving free shipping on their order. This module provides various options in store configuration to select the style of progress bar to show on frontend. All the things displayed on the bar can be customised easily from Magento configuration which makes it easy for store owners to customise it as per their need. Once the customer’s cart has crossed the Free Shipping method Minimum Order Amount threshold then a success message will be shown.
Free Shipping Bar module will help store owners to boost up their sales by encouraging customers to purchase more products to avail free shipping on their order. It can also increase the average order value of customers.
Key Features:
- Displays a bar with relevant messages and progress to achieve free shipping
- Options to customise messages
- Options to update colors of the bar according to your need
- Option to select different style of Progress Bar
- Option to select the list of pages on which to show the bar
- Option to automatically hide the bar after certain time interval
- Provide variables (for free shipping amount and cart amount left to achieve free shipping) to use in free shipping bar message.
- REST APIs also available
Support & Discussion:
We are continuously working on enhancing and updating this module and will have updates in the future. Â For support or questions, Â please contact us at any time:
Release Notes
- Compatible with Open Source (CE) : 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
- Stability: Stable Build
- Issue fixes for guest customer
- Compatibility with popular one step checkout modules
- Compatibility with Make My Shipping Rule
- Compatibility with Enterprise edition (Adobe Commerce)